Samosa Recipe - Punjabi HomeMade Style - How to Make Samosa

How to Make Samosa Recipe

The triangular-formed flaky cake stacked up with lively potato, chicken or sheep filling is a notable snack in India just as in a couple of countries of the world. Since samosa isn't horrendous, yet not extraordinary either fundamental in India (you really get samosa and chai at one another city crossing point), I, by and large, trusted it to be a quintessential Indian delicacy. In any case, simply later I read that it has its motivation in the Middle East and it was familiar with India during the Delhi Sultanate rule. 

It was later balanced as a veggie darling snack with fiery potato filling in India (which is what is by and large standard in northern India). Regardless of whatever the origin was, I can unquestionably say that samosa, especially Aloo Samosa is the most notable chomp back home. It's there on each social occasion, office meeting, chai meet-ups, etc and samosa will be there! I was explicit about such a samosa that I delighted in and I cherished it just from one shop in my old neighborhood. In fact, even now when I get back, I try to appreciate those samosas from my favored shop. 

For me, an average samosa should be firm or more all it should not be smooth using any and all means. Here in the US, I haven't had a ton of karma finding extraordinary samosas so now I make them at home. Besides, might I dare to state, they turn out in a similar class as the one from my favored shop in India! 🙂 

Making samosa is a multi-step process so I won't express it's excessively quick and basic. Regardless, the enjoyment of biting into that locally developed flaky new outside layer stacked up with fiery potatoes makes everything advocated, notwithstanding all the difficulty. 

This is one of those treats that you should make for uncommon occasions or longer than a week's end when you have to have some great occasions in the kitchen. a plate of samosas with one samosa broken to show within potato filling and the flaky outside


This Homemade Samosa 

✓ is firm and flaky 

✓ tastes basically like the samosa from your favored shop 

✓ is stacked up with a wonderful potato and peas filling 

✓ tastes exceptional with a cup of chai! 

✓ is similarly veggie darling 

I like adding peas to my samosa, if you couldn't care less for it you may skip it. A couple of individuals moreover incorporate nuts like cashews and raisins to the filling to make it progressively rich. Again, an individual choice! In spite of the way that the route toward making samosa is exceptionally straight forward, there are different things that you ought to recall while making these at home. samosas served nearby 2 dishes of chutney 

Tips to Make The Perfect Samosa 

So this is the thing that I have acknowledged consistently and I am anxious to bestow all of my tips to all of you to make the perfect samosa at home! Mixing the oil in with flour is noteworthy rub it for good 3 to 4 minutes, do as such by scouring between your hands until the oil is all around got together with the flour. Do whatever it takes not to debilitate the blend you simply need to join the player. In case you exhaust it, the samosa will be hard. 

The blend should be strong sensitive hitter won't give new samosa. Let the player rest for around 40 minutes–reliably make a point to let the blend rest for on any occasion 30 to 40 minutes before you start making the samosa. 

Roll the hitter similarly and move it thin endeavor to roll the blend slim and consistently. If the blend is moved thick, it will require a long exertion for the player to get cooked. Moreover, we in general like unstable firm edges of the samosa, agree? In any case, don't move it unnecessarily small too, else the blend will demolish when you fill it. 

Do whatever it takes not to use any flour while rolling the samosa, you can apply little oil on your moving pin. 

Fry the samosa on low warmth – the most critical thing-reliably fry the samosa on low warmth (not high, not medium), that way they will turn new. 

At the point when they have gotten light gritty hued in concealing (after 10 minutes or something to that effect), by then you can assemble the glow and fry on medium warmth. 

In like manner when you fry on low warmth, they won't get any annoys which they do when you drop them in hot oil. 

For what reason is My Samosa Not Crispy? 

This happens when you fry the samosa in hot oil. You need to singe the samosa on low warmth reliably. In like manner, your hitter ought to be firm. The sensitive hitter will in like manner achieve a not so much firm samosa. five bits of uncooked samosa lined in a plate Bit by bit guidelines to Store and Reheat Leftover Samosa I when in doubt place them in an invulnerable holder and refrigerate. To warm them up, I pre-heat my grill to 350 F degrees and they place the samosa in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes until agreeably warm. 

Would I have the option to Freeze The Samosa? In reality! At the point when the samosa is filled and shaped, set them on a planning sheet fixed with material paper. Recognize the getting ready sheet into the cooler for a couple of hours until samosas are firm. By then move to a cooler sack and freeze. Would I have the option to Bake The Samosa? 

For sure! Brush the samosas with oil and a short time later get ready at 350 F degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until burned. 

Additional Samosa Ideas 

If you have additional samosas (what!!), you can use them in different ways. Like make, Samosa Chaat where you pair the samosas with chole and chutneys. You can in like manner make Samosa Sandwich, apply chutneys on bread, and detect a samosa in the center. You can even put some sev on top and appreciate it. 

Would I have the option to Use Whole Wheat Flour? If you have to use whole wheat flour in this recipe, I would propose an overriding portion of the flour with whole wheat. Thusly, use 1 cup generally helpful flour and 1 cup whole wheat. 


Make the samosa hitter 

1-Start by making the samosa hitter. To a gigantic bowl, incorporate flour, ajwain, salt and mix well. 

2-Add the oil and thereafter start mixing in with your fingers. 

3-Rub the flour with the oil until the oil is all around participated in the sum of the flour. Do this for 3 to 4 minutes, you would lean toward not to flood this movement. 

4-Once combined, the mix looks like pieces. a little bit at a time picture course of action of making samosa at home 

5-Press some flour between your palm-it should outline a shape (and not crumble) – suggests oil is adequate and particularly joined. 

6-Now, start including water, progressively and mix to outline a strong blend. 

7-Donot debilitate the player and don't work a fragile blend. It should essentially get together and structure a solidified player. I used around 6 tablespoons of water here. 

8-Cover the blend with a wet material and let it rest for 40 minutes. I generally soak a paper towel in water and a while later squash out all the water and a while later spread my player with that. While the blend is resting, start going after the filling. a little bit at a time picture arrangement of making samosa at home

9-Boil potatoes until done. 

8 to 9 whistles on high warmth with trademark weight release if using burner pressure cooker or if using Instant Pot, high weight 12 minutes with normal weight release on a trivet with 1 cup water in the base of the pot. 

10-Peel the skin and them smash the potatoes. Put in a protected spot. 

11-Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a dish on medium warmth. At the point when the oil is hot, incorporate the cumin seeds, fennel seeds and crushed coriander seeds. 

12-Let the seeds sizzle for few seconds and thereafter incorporate the divided ginger, green bean stew, and hing. Cook for 1 second. a little bit at a time picture creation of making samosa at home Mediavine 

13-Add the gurgled and pureed potatoes and green peas to the dish. 

14-Mix everything together. I use my potato masher to merge the flavors and flavors well with the potatoes and peas. 

15-Add the coriander powder, garam masala, amchur, red bean stew powder, and salt. 

16-Mix to unite. When's beginning and end particularly united, oust skillet from the warmth and let the filling cool down a piece. a little bit at a time picture assortment of making samosa at home Shape and fry the samosa 

17-Once the blend has rested, give it an energetic control. By then separate the hitter into 7 identical bits of around 58-60 grams each. Start going after a touch of player, keep the remainder of the blend balls made sure about reliably with a soggy texture else the blend will dry out. 

18-Roll one-hitter ball into a circle-oval kind of shape, around 6-7 slithers in separation across and a short time later cut it into two segments. Mediavine 

19-Take one segment and apply water on the straight edge/side. I generally mix some flour in with water so it outlines a wonderful glue. 

20-Now bring the two completions of the straight edge together and crush them to outline a cone. See picture for a prevalent idea. a tiny bit at a time picture montage of making samosa at home 

21-Pinch the sharp complete making it a perfect cone shape. 

22-Fill the samosa with the potato filling, around 1 to 2 tablespoons. Make an effort not to stuff the samosa. 

23-Now again apply water all around the circuit of the cone as you have to seal it. Press the opposite (side back to where you crushed to outline the cone) to shape a plate (see picture #23). 

24-Now press the edges and seal the samosa. a little bit at a time picture montage of making samosa at home Mediavine 

25-Your samosa is by and by arranged. Repeat with the leftover hitter. Persistently make a point to keep the filled samosa made sure about with saturated texture while roll and fill the others. 

26-Now heat oil in a kadhai on low warmth. To check if the oil is readied, drop a little 


Samosa Ingredients


2 cups universally handy flour (maida) 260 grams 

1 teaspoon ajwain carom seeds 

1/4 teaspoon salt 

4 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon oil 45 ml + 5 ml water to massage the mixture, around 6 tablespoons 

Samosa Filling 

3-4 medium potatoes 500-550 grams 

2 tablespoons oil 

1 teaspoon cumin seeds 

1 teaspoon fennel seeds 

2 teaspoons squashed coriander seeds 

1 teaspoon finely slashed ginger 

1 green bean stew slashed 

1/4 teaspoon hing asafoetida 

1/2 cup +2 tablespoons green peas I utilized solidified green peas which I absorbed warm water for 10-15 minutes before utilizing 

1 teaspoon coriander powder 

1/2 teaspoon garam masala 

1/2 teaspoon amchur dried mango powder 

1/4 teaspoon red bean stew powder or add more to taste 

3/4 teaspoon salt or to taste 

oil, for profound browning 


Make Samosa Dough 

Start by making the samosa mixture. To a huge bowl, include flour, ajwain (carom seeds), salt and blend well. 

Include the oil and afterward begin blending in with your fingers. Rub the flour with the oil until the oil is very much joined in the entirety of the flour. Do this for 3 to 4 minutes, you would prefer not to surge this progression. When consolidated, the blend looks like pieces. 

Press some flour between your palm-it should frame a shape (and not disintegrate) - implies oil is sufficient and very much joined. 

Presently, begin including water, gradually and blend to frame a solid mixture. Try not to exhaust the batter and don't work a delicate mixture. It should simply meet up and structure a firm batter. I utilized around 6 tablespoons of water here. 

Spread the batter with a soggy material and let it rest for 40 minutes. I typically drench a paper towel in water and afterward crush out all the water and afterward spread my mixture with that. While the mixture is resting, begin dealing with the filling. 

Make the potato filling 

Bubble potatoes until done. 8 to 9 whistles on high warmth with common weight discharge if utilizing burner pressure cooker or if utilizing Instant Pot, high weight 12 minutes with characteristic weight discharge on a trivet with 1 cup water in the base of the pot. 

Strip the skin and them squash the potatoes. Put in a safe spot. Warmth 2 tablespoons of oil in a dish on medium warmth. When the oil is hot, include the cumin seeds, fennel seeds and squashed coriander seeds. 

Let the seeds sizzle for few moments and afterward include the cleaved ginger, green bean stew and hing. Cook for 1 moment. 

Include the bubbled and pureed potatoes and green peas to the container. Combine everything. I utilize my potato masher to consolidate the flavors and flavors well with the potatoes and peas. 

Include the coriander powder, garam masala, amchur, red stew powder and salt. Blend to consolidate. When's everything very much joined, expel skillet from warmth and let the filling cool down a piece. 

Shape and fry the Samosa 

When the batter has rested, give it a speedy manipulate. At that point partition the mixture into 7 equivalent pieces of around 58-60 grams each. 

Begin dealing with a bit of batter, keep the rest of the mixture balls secured consistently with a damp fabric else the mixture will dry out. 

Fold one batter ball into a circle-oval sort of shape, around 6-7 crawls in measurement and afterward cut it into two sections. 

Take one section and apply water on the straight edge/side. I typically blend some flour in with water so it shapes a decent paste. 

Presently bring the two finishes of the straight edge together and squeeze them to frame a cone. See bit by bit pictures above for a superior thought. Squeeze the sharp finishes to make it an ideal cone shape. 

Fill the samosa with the potato filling, around 1 to 2 tablespoons. Try not to overload the samosa. 

Presently again apply water all around the boundary of the cone as you need to seal it. Squeeze the contrary (side inverse to where you squeezed to frame the cone) to shape a plate (see bit by bit pictures above). At that point squeeze the edges and seal the samosa. 

Your samosa is currently prepared. Rehash a similar procedure with an outstanding mixture. Continuously make sure to keep the filled samosa secured with a soggy material while roll and fill the others. You will get 14 samosas. 

Presently heat oil in a Kadai on low warmth. To check if the oil is prepared, drop a little bit of mixture into the oil. It should take a few moments to come up to the surface. That implies the oil is prepared. 

Drop the molded samosas into the oil. 

Fry on low warmth. After around 10-12 minutes, the samosa will turn out to be firm and light earthy colored in shading. Now, increment the warmth to medium and fry until it gets pleasantly seared. 

Try not to pack the Kadai/wok, fry 4-5 samosas one after another. Furthermore, each clump will take around 20 minutes since we fry on low warmth so show restraint. 

When you complete the process of broiling one cluster, bring down the warmth again to low and hold up until the temperature of the oil drops and afterward include the subsequent group. 

Appreciate hot samosas with cilantro chutney or sweet tamarind chutney! 


The most significant thing to recollect is to not the fry the samosa on high warmth, they won't get fresh on the off chance that you do as such and the mixture will stay uncooked. The samosa will likewise have rises on the covering on the off chance that you oil temperature is hot while fricasseeing the samosa. 

I have utilized green peas in my samosa filling. On the off chance that you are not a fan, essentially skip. 

This plans makes 14 medium measured samosa. You can make pretty much contingent upon how you like.
